A Music Composition for my Daughter

My daughter has been showing some interest in violin since her grandmother gave her a violin on her 4th birthday. By the time she turned 5, she could play a few pieces. She was very happy when she could play for her music school’s concert last year. Her class teacher also encouraged her to play in front of the class. Some of the children fidgeted. When someone started to say, “I can play too, I have a bigger violin at home”, she became very shy and stopped playing. During the lockdown she played xylophone instead. I composed this song for her when we were walking in the park, and told her that she should not listen to other people’s taunts and be discouraged. Unfortunately, we don’t always get an appreciative audience when we are learning. She is always happier when she could walk in the park and hear the chirping of the birds. So the trills in the music emulate the chirping of the birds. I hope this music will motivate her to continue playing violin.

A Walk in the Park by Louisa Cheong
Acknowledgement: Lenneke Nijst from House of Music, for violin accompaniment